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A new article on John Buchan March 8th, 2016

The latest issue of The John Buchan Journal (no. 48) features one of my new essays, a piece entitled “John Buchan, conservation, and the democracy of nature and sport.”  The article examines Buchan’s philosophy of nature, including his thoughts on mountaineering, fishing, hunting, and wildlife conservation as he articulated them both in Great Britain and in Canada.  As he wrote in his memoir, “Greenness, utter, absolute greenness, has all my life seemed to me uncanny, and the places in which in my memory are infested with a certain awe are the green places.”  I hope readers will enjoy my discussion of Buchan’s fascination for such a world and come to appreciate the contributions he made, as Canada’s governor general from 1935-1940, to the history of Canadian conservation.

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