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Paul Marcano and “The Ke’ Universe” September 18th, 2014

To see me singing ”It’s the Day After Your Birthday” (a song for Lisa) while floating through a psychedelic universe, check out one of Paul Marcano’s recent video shorts at (be sure to click on “The Ke’ Universe” in the drop-down menu).  I played the song last summer lying on my back, on a green screen on Paul’s deck, at his home on Saltspring Island, while Paul shot me from above on an upper balcony.  He later added some subtle electronic instrumentation and effects to my vocals and guitar work, and superimposed my swirling image upon some wild digital and digitized visual art.  Watch as I revolve slowly into the “Visual Breakfast” frying pan–an icon taken from one of Paul’s classic 1980s psychedelic paintings.  “Ke’” is a nickname Paul gave me many years ago, so “The Ke’ Universe” is my universe.  Needless to say, I’m tickled to have my own universe.  Thanks, Paul.  (While you’re on Paul’s website, be sure to check out his distinctive artwork and music–I recommend the “Cosmic Jukebox.”)

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