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A new writing project: Bruce Cockburn October 21st, 2012

I’ve just accepted an invitation to write an essay on Bruce Cockburn for a book on Canadian pop-music responses to American politics and culture.  Inspired by a conference that took place last spring at Sophia University in Tokyo (which boasts a research centre for Canadian and American studies), the book project sounds like a lot of fun.  I’ve been a Cockburn fan since I was a kid, which might explain why I have all of his albums, have seen him in concert nine times, and have recruited a couple of the musicians he has worked with to play on some of my own recording projects.  The essay will be a bit of a departure from my work on the British Romantics poets, but given Cockburn’s environmental activism and the kinds of political radicalism he shares with William Blake, it’s sure to chime nicely with my other writing projects.

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